1) COM'E' INIZIATA LA TUA CARRIERA DI MODELLO? How did you get your big break in modeling? Well there really was no "big break" unfortunately. I worked all the way up from bottom of the model chain. I had two helpful breaks in the industry. My first shoot was in college for a local fitness agency right by Rutgers University. The agency took my images to some people in NY and I booked several jobs from that. My second was becoming a Liz Claiborne model. I modeled for their men's division and got a lot of exposure from that. The rest was old fashion hard work and getting myself "out there"! Non c'e' stato un vera " grande occasione",sfortunatamente. Ho dovuto iniziare dal basso nella catena del mondo della moda.Ho avuto due occasioni che mi hanno aiutato nel campo della moda. Il mio primo book fotografico al college per una locale agenzia di fitness vicino all'Universita' di Rutgers.L'agenzia mostro' le mie foto ad alcun...
Per informazioni scrivete a: junerosstaff@gmail.com